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I help entrepreneurs succeed with their goals and dreams through combining Feng Shui principles and Marketing techniques.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Living on Purpose; Finding Your Personal Mission

A couple weeks ago I went to a talk by Kinglsey Gallup here in Durango titled: Living on Purpose; Finding Your Personal Mission and thought it was excellent.  I wanted to share the information to help you build focus for your future.

Ask yourself… 

What do I love?

And what am I doing about it?

Am I living life freely and with passion?

Is it time to re-boot my dreams?

Time to create a life I love?

Is it time to live truly authentically? 

Time to begin living life on purpose? Time to live a life by design? Are you ready to become intentional about creating a life you love? A Personal Mission Statement is a powerful exercise in channeling all that wonderful passionate and creative energy so that you can live a truly authentic life. 

This is all about intentionality - being intentional about the life you live, rather than simply living a life you’ve been handed. Living an intentional, authentic life is about: 

  • Living your personal Truth

  • Walking in line with your passion

  • Living a life that works for you - not simply resisting against a life you’ve been handed

  • Determining for yourself precisely how you will spend your life force

  • Contributing the very best of you to this world

  • Joyfully creating and living your Highest purpose

  • It’s living a life by design… your personal work of art!

But why write a Mission Statement?

We can travel to a destination without a roadmap, but we will get there so much more effectively – and comfortably - with a roadmap. All too often we head on out before really knowing where we are headed. And we expend so much of our energy, so much of our life force, trying to figure our who we are and where we are headed.

This Mission Statement process is about brining focus to your priorities. Perhaps you already have a sense of what your priorities/values/goals are, but when you really get down to doing this process, you may be surprised by the clarity you find!

Most of us think about the big things we'd like to accomplish in life. But most of us never write them down. If you talk with successful (however you define success), satisfied people, they'll probably tell you they write down their values, goals, and vision for what they want in life. Then they use it as a compass to make it come true.

Some people use "mission," "purpose," and "vision" interchangeably. Others think they describe different things. There is no consensus. You can call it what you like.

A personal mission statement describes how you see yourself in the immediate future. It describes your hopes and dreams. It evokes a sense of achievement and fulfillment.

So, I ask you:

  • Have you ever really thought about the purpose of your life?

  • Have you ever intentionally clarified your values?

  • Do you have such clear goals that they direct all that you do?

Value of Writing a Personal Mission Statement

  • It forces you to think deeply about your life, clarify the purpose of your life, and identify what is really important to you.

  • It forces you to clarify and express succinctly your deepest values and aspirations.

  • It challenges you to take personal leadership over your life.

  • It imprints your values and purposes firmly in your mind so they become a part of you rather than something you only think about occasionally.

  • Integrating your personal mission statement into your weekly planning gives you a way to keep your vision constantly before you.

Developing a personal mission statement.

  • A personal mission statement answers questions like these:


-What do I want from my life? 
-What do I value? 
-What are my talents? 
-At the end of my life, what do I want to have accomplished?

Kingsley also gives 4 templates that you can use to create your mission statement.  This is a great exercise to bring that focus into the utmost clarity to achieve your goals and dreams.

To View the Entire Document:

Monday, April 27, 2009

Great Low Cost Marketing Tips!

Are You A Little Short On Cash Building Your Business?

Building your home business can truly be a costly one.  Each time you turn around you seem to spend every dollar you have on advertising and not getting ahead in your business.

It basically will nickel and dime you to death.

You really can't get ahead in your business if you have to spend a ton on advertising, especially when you are first starting out.

Wouldn't it be nice if someone could show you basically step by step how you can build your home business without spending a ton of money while doing it?

Well, there is some good news.

I recently came across something that I think will really help your business as it has mine.

It is a videos series by a guy named Mike Dillard called "Building On A Budget".

In these videos Mike shows you how to build any home business for $500 or less.

I took these free videos and purchased his ridiculously low priced book, and within two weeks of applying the techniques he teaches and am now getting as many as 10 new qualified prospects per day. 

The best part is that I did not spend much money while doing it.

Now I have the tools to grow my business without getting nickel and dimed to death.

You can get free access to these videos by going here...


I have learned so much about free marketing!  It is so powerful, all you need is consistency and the success just comes easily!

2009 is the Year to Prepare for the Next Decade!

The number 9 is significant as the most auspicious or lucky number, it represents the completion of one cycle and the beginning of the next.  Thus the year 2009 is really the ideal time to help you prepare for your success.  There are a number of things that you can do to get very clear about what the next decade will look like for you.
  • Meditate or Reflect everyday for 5 minutes about what success looks like
  • Journaling
  • Create a dream or vision board
  • Read inspiring/educational material for 30 minutes everyday
  • Learn new skills 
  • Get out of your comfort zone
  • Be healthy  i.e. eat well and exercise regularly to keep the stress away

Kip Herriage, CEO Wealth Masters International (WMI) says, "it is my hope that everyone takes advantage of this economic environment and breaks free from your comfort zone...because what it actually represents is your failure zone.  Only when you make the decision to leap into your "achievement zone" will you begin to enjoy life to the fullest possible extent."

I am so excited by this opportunity regarding the education about wealth creation and the marketing skills that are learned and applied through Carbon Copy Pro; it's so easy and broken down into the steps you need to take.

"The largest transfer of wealth in history is taking place right now and you too can be part of it by utilizing all the WMI products, services and education," Karl Bessey, President Wealth Masters International states.

Creating wealth and success is a process, but the more clear and focused that you are, the better. A few ways to get focused are to get rid of your clutter; for more detailed information regarding steps go to http://fivestarfengshui.wordpress.com   There are also cures to bring wealth which include:  keeping toilet seats closed, repairing any leaking water issues, installing windchimes at the front door, putting all collections of change in your abundance corner which is in the back left corner from the entryway of each room or the front door (See Bagua Map).  

Success and wealth are a mindset and are achievable through many avenues, this opportunity through Wealth Masters International is phenomenal: prepare yourself!  For more information http://www.myfivestarfortune.com