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I help entrepreneurs succeed with their goals and dreams through combining Feng Shui principles and Marketing techniques.

Monday, April 27, 2009

2009 is the Year to Prepare for the Next Decade!

The number 9 is significant as the most auspicious or lucky number, it represents the completion of one cycle and the beginning of the next.  Thus the year 2009 is really the ideal time to help you prepare for your success.  There are a number of things that you can do to get very clear about what the next decade will look like for you.
  • Meditate or Reflect everyday for 5 minutes about what success looks like
  • Journaling
  • Create a dream or vision board
  • Read inspiring/educational material for 30 minutes everyday
  • Learn new skills 
  • Get out of your comfort zone
  • Be healthy  i.e. eat well and exercise regularly to keep the stress away

Kip Herriage, CEO Wealth Masters International (WMI) says, "it is my hope that everyone takes advantage of this economic environment and breaks free from your comfort zone...because what it actually represents is your failure zone.  Only when you make the decision to leap into your "achievement zone" will you begin to enjoy life to the fullest possible extent."

I am so excited by this opportunity regarding the education about wealth creation and the marketing skills that are learned and applied through Carbon Copy Pro; it's so easy and broken down into the steps you need to take.

"The largest transfer of wealth in history is taking place right now and you too can be part of it by utilizing all the WMI products, services and education," Karl Bessey, President Wealth Masters International states.

Creating wealth and success is a process, but the more clear and focused that you are, the better. A few ways to get focused are to get rid of your clutter; for more detailed information regarding steps go to http://fivestarfengshui.wordpress.com   There are also cures to bring wealth which include:  keeping toilet seats closed, repairing any leaking water issues, installing windchimes at the front door, putting all collections of change in your abundance corner which is in the back left corner from the entryway of each room or the front door (See Bagua Map).  

Success and wealth are a mindset and are achievable through many avenues, this opportunity through Wealth Masters International is phenomenal: prepare yourself!  For more information http://www.myfivestarfortune.com 

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