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I help entrepreneurs succeed with their goals and dreams through combining Feng Shui principles and Marketing techniques.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Branding Using a Link Back Blog

By Branding yourself in today's marketplace, you can truly position yourself as an online expert, make lots of sales and have people join your MLM, Network Marketing, or Direct Sales Home Based Business easily.

What is the difference between branding between branding yourself as an expert to create leads versus branding yourself to convert those leads into actual SALES.

There is a BIG difference.

Now, as you've probably heard, a Web-Log (or Blog for short), is a great way to provide quality content to your readers, develop a fan base and ultimately drive traffic to your website by providing a link at the bottom of your post for readers to click on.

But what happens once your lead has now "opted in" to your Marketing Funnel at your Landing Page and is exploring your business and/or product?

Well, there's a good chance that if you are marketing correctly, not only will your leads learn about your business or product on their first visit to your website, but they will also receive Follow Up Autoresponders for several months, inviting them to "link back" to your website so that they can purchase whatever it is you are marketing.

This is standard for any online marketer, however.... what I have found is that a lot of marketers are missing something very powerful, after they collect a lead's name and email address.

Did you know that branding yourself to your existing list of subscribers is just as important, if not more important, than branding yourself to get people to "optin" in the first place.

It's what Aaron Rashkin calls a "Link Back Blog", and it's a Private "Leads Only" page, that is designed to brand "you" to your leads, only after they've opted in to look at your business.

At your Link Back Blog, not only do you want to post valuable content but you also want to post photos, videos and even affiliate links and banners down the side of your page that many of your leads might purchase regardless of whether they buy your primary product or service, or not.

(By using this strategy of monetizing it's possible to make as much as 10,000 EXTRA dollars in a Single Month - passively!)

The purpose of the Link Back Blog is to show that you are a real person and that you are no different than those looking to join you in your business.

Of course, by providing good content, you are also demonstrating that you are the leader that others might be looking for.

So Why is a Link Back Blog So Important?

Because in today's economy and marketplace, people join people who they know, like and trust - not just companies and systems.

Most importantly, at the end of each Link Back Blog post, include a "Link Back" to your Order Form where your lead can purchase your product or service - thus, Link Back Blog.

Because it's one thing to get traffic into your funnel, but it's another to convert it into sales and bottom line commissions.

So, set up a Link Back Blog to show your website visitors and leads exactly who you are. Show your face, your family and your lifestyle. Show vacation photos, family photos and demonstrate that you are a real person helping real people to make real money.

Implement this one simple strategy into your marketing and you too can make a fortune in your MLM, Network Marketing or Direct Sales Home Based Business.

Happy Marketing!

Candee Pearson


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